Saturday, 28 June 2014

My Beer List - our beer logging app - is in official Alfa-testing - Looking for Beta testers

Our first app, MyBeerList, is in alfa testing on Google Play!

Here is a few previews of the app, wich is intended to be your private log of your beer tasting experience.

For each beer you may enter Brewery name, Brand name, Country of origin, Place of first taste, Rating, personal Notes, and - the opportunity to take a picture of the bottle or brand or location or whatever attached to the entry.

It's a very private and secure app, with no online functions, all content stored in the app on your smartphone. It's organizing the Beers in alphabetical lists, a list with the data-entries, as well as a picture gallery.

Finally the app is summarizing your beers in som statistics, numbers and lists based upon favourites, best, worst and so on. More to come in this section.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

News update feed from HeleneApps

This is the place for all news updates from HeleneApps, an Android App development company:

- Company News
- Android App News

There will be established separate pages for the AndroidApps as they are (planned) released. The first app will be a logging app for your Beer drinking experience. Se the Beer List page (above) for more information on the app.