Saturday, 26 December 2015

Backup of Beer List / Beer List Free

Beer List and Beer List Free are storing all your data in the apps own directories. Two database files with all texts and data, and a directory for all the photos. Adding to that are the settings file, storing your settings in the app.
  • The preferred solution is your phones backup and restore functions. This works perfectly with all data in Beer List and Beer List Free. It will normally only work if you restore to same brand. I did a perfect backup from an LG G2 to my new LG G5, directly phone to phone!
  • Vendors have a "Cloud Backup" or PC back option as well
Google is improving your general app backup and restore as well, it works as follows with Beer List / Beer List Free:
  • The settings file are backuped automatically in all installations
  • There are no automatically backup to Google of the datafiles in installations on Android 5.1 and older, manual backup are needed for restore. Several options are available:
  • For Android 6.0 an newer there is a nice solution - Google back-ups all apps to your apps and its data - but only up to 25 MByte
    • If You take pics of your beers - that limit will be crossed around entering 50-60 different beers
    • After that you are left with the options above!
Hopefully Google will add more storage options to back-up apps in the future.

Update febrary 2017: I am now as well working on a Google signin, with the opportunity to do back-up restore of the data directly in the BeerList apps.

I will keep this page updated.